I should also mention, another option that we could do is have drivers for the individual sensors (just have them expose native APIs as drivers, e.g. bmp2085_read_val()), but also map into a generic sensor API, that we locate in hw/sensors, as an example.

I’m not sure to what extent people using these sensors want raw access to them (i.e. this sensor has special features I care about), versus just treating them as a generic sensor. If we think it will be common to have special features per-sensor, i’d say it makes sense to have:

hw/sensors — generic sensor API

and then


contain individual sensor drivers organized by manufacturer, that create their own device APIs, but also can register with the sensor API in hw/sensors.


On 10 Nov 2016, at 15:42, Sterling Hughes wrote:

Hi Kevin,

I have some thoughts, but I’m not sure they all directly address your concerns :-)

More details on directory re-org and drivers below, but I wanted to mention upfront: I really think its worth thinking through the sensor api you mention in your PS, and then doing the directory org after that. Because I would imagine that these drivers fit directly into that API, which I think is crucially important. It would be really good to understand whether that API was sufficient for 99% of use cases as well, because if so, we would just want to have the implementations map into that API.

Additionally, I wanted to mention, that a worthy goal here would be to make these sensors discoverable, in a way that can be mapped into OIC. One of the nice things about OIC is that it supports standardized resource discovery, and I think it would be awesome, especially for Maker applications, if you could connect to a device with a phone, and automatically get a list of sensors available, and interact with them. If we make sure that the sensor APIs are introspectable, this should be easy to do.

I also want to point out how we’ve done certain drivers, like the ADC driver. Essentially, we have a top-level package, “adc”, which contains the interface for all ADC drivers, and then we have the individual implementation of the driver itself. The following source files point to this:

* high-level ADC API: hw/drivers/adc/include/adc/adc.h
- note: 2 interfaces defined here. The driver implementation interface: adc_driver_funcs, and the user interface calls.

* implementation of ADC for NRF52: hw/drivers/adc/adc_nrf52/src/adc_nrf52.c - note: only exported call is int nrf52_adc_dev_init(struct os_dev *, void *), which is passed as a function pointer to os_dev_create() in hal_bsp.c, when the adc device is created.

So the idea is that there is an API for the driver, and then sub-packages to that driver that can implement that API. You have flexibility in the sub-packages, so you could do something like:

hw/drivers/sensors/src/sensors.c (*) main sensors driver
hw/drivers/sensors/pressure/bosch/bm32/src/bm32.c (*) bm32 implementation.

Users would then create the device, with the bm32 sensor:

os_dev_create(“my_sensor”, bm32_init_func);

But can then open and use the device with the generic sensor API, without knowing the underlying implementation.

sensor = (struct sensor *) os_dev_open(“my_sensor”)
sensor_read(sensor, &val);

I assume you read most of this, but I just wanted to point this out.

As an aside: I certainly think we should use pkg.keywords extensively in the drivers directory, and make it easy to search for drivers. We should also make sure that “newt pkg search”: a) works, and b) provides useful information about each of the drivers when there are matches. There is going to be no _perfect_ way to organize this for ease of discovery, but I think newt can help a lot.

On 10 Nov 2016, at 1:59, Kevin Townsend wrote:

There are no sensor drivers in the system at present, but now that the HAL rework is complete I wanted to port a few drivers over to Mynewt just to properly test the HW and HAL out. Existing sensor drivers is one of the key factors to draw people into any embedded RTOS/system, so I think it's important to get this right to pull people into the Mynewt ecosystem.

+1 - I totally agree!

I'm curious what kind of organization would make the most sense moving forward, though. Assuming some drivers are included in the core mynewt repo instead of being in independent libraries, what would be an ideal root location to place them in the file structure?

- hw/drivers/sensors ?

Do we think that 90% of sensors will have a unified interface. I.e. sensors have discoverable channels, and those channels have value types.

sensor_discover(sensor, &sensor_chan_types);

assert(sensor_chan_types[0]->type == SENSOR_ACCEL_X);

sensor_read(sensor, 0, &accel_x);

And you can have unified interface to configure these (e.g. sensor_config()), that might take an opaque blob, but is pretty standard.

If so, I think you have a driver of type: sensor, that defines the sensor API, and then you have subdirectories from there, which implement the sensor API.

The problem is that hw/drivers already has things like adc and uart implementations or nimble which is quite a different concept, though it's not entirely inappropriate all the same.

Yeah. we’re going to have to be very disciplined about how we organize this directory and break drivers into groups.. Irregardless of where we put sensor, I think this is the case.

And inside sensors (or wherever) you'll have another problem: should you have a single flat list of all drivers by device name, or do you want to organize them by type/manufacturer/etc.:

 * hw/drivers/sensors/bmp085/*
 * hw/drivers/sensors/bmp280/*
 * hw/drivers/sensors/tsl2651/*
 * hw/drivers/sensors/lsm303dlhc/*
 * hw/drivers/sensors/bno055/*

Or do you want to organize them by family (which is nice in some ways but very awkward in others with certain SoCs):

 * hw/drivers/sensors/pressure/bmp085/*
 * hw/drivers/sensors/pressure/bmp280/*
 * hw/drivers/sensors/light/tsl2561/*
 * hw/drivers/sensors/accelerometers/lsm303dlhc/* <-- This is also a
* hw/drivers/sensors/orientation???/bno055/* <-- this is an accel, mag
   and gyro with sensor fusion for orientation

Or does manufacturer make more sense:

 * hw/drivers/sensors/bosch/bmp085/*
 * hw/drivers/sensors/bosch/bmp280/*
 * hw/drivers/sensors/bosch/bno055/*
 * hw/drivers/sensors/taos/tsl2561/*   <-- Complicated since Taos was
   purchased and is now AMS, which is a recurring theme these days
 * hw/drivers/sensors/st/lsm303dlhc/*

My preference would probably be by manufacturer. As you mention, often sensors are multi-purpose. I also think that the collection of code that is common is likely going to be by manufacturer (e.g. bosch.)

so you have hw/drivers/sensor as the API, and hw/drivers/sensor/bosch/bmp085/src/bmp085.c as the implementation.

It would likely be useful to have some sort of basic meta-data as well about the sensor types since some ICs can contain multiple sensors, such as the bmp280 being a pressure sensor but also having temperature data, or the lsm303dlhc being a 3 axis accelerometer and magnetometer. This meta-data isn't critical, but could be useful as a filter at some point using the newt tool or the newt 'newt vals' type functionality.


I also think it would be great if this could be introspectable/discoverable at runtime. I’m thinking it would make things like a TI sensor tag really easy to implement from a phone perspective.

Adding drivers to the core repo is problematic in that it creates a maintenance burden, but I think drivers are also a huge pull for people to use the system and an important reference to keep up to date with changes in the HAL over time. There should at least be one reference for each bus like I2C, SPI, ADC and UART (GPS etc.) that makes use of the power management API, etc. Having a maintained reference driver will reduce support requirements long term, and ensure best practices are followed by people contributing other drivers in the future.

I think this is a no-brainer. The value of an operating system is that a community of people maintains this software, and for the type of devices Mynewt goes into, sensors are a very common thing. Even if writing each individual driver isn’t that hard, there are certainly edge cases with this type of hardware, and having other people find and maintain those for you is very valuable.


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