To whom it might concern.

My name is Rodrigo Lorenzo Leal, and I'm the lead hardware and firmware
developer at Pilloxa <>.

We're currently using the Nordic nRF52 with it's SDK and recently
discovered ynewt. We're really exited about it and will give it a
I have a couple of question.

In the NimBLE description <> it says
that  mynewt offers a Security Manager (SM) with support for LE Legacy
Pairing (Just Works, Numeric Comparison, Passkey Entry, OOB), LE Secure
Connections, Transport Specific Key Distribution, but in the documentation
<> is says  Apache
mynewt has first implemented support for "Just Works" only.

Since security is a big need for our product, we are currently considering
OOB for the key exchange. Is this implemented? and if is not, will this be
implemented in the future?

And finally, do you support Firmware Over the Air? If you do, do you have
any documentation on how to implement it? and if you don't will be
implemented in the future?

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