Hi Simon,

IMO we’re probably going to roll b2 off develop. There have been a fair number of stability improvements. While its a fairly large scope of change between betas, its probably the right decision. Prior to b2, either this week or next, we should create a 1.0 branch that b2 is tagged off of. From that point on, we should only be merging bug fixes into that branch.

I don’t know how others feel, but my goal is to have b2 out end of January, and then roll a final 1.0 mid/by end of February.



On 10 Jan 2017, at 14:42, Simon Ratner wrote:

Hi devs,

Just wanted to ask for a quick summary of where the code is going. I see
that 1.0.0-b1 was tagged at Nov 29th; is that basically frozen for the
1.0.0 release in terms of compatibility, or will the code currently on
develop make it into subsequent 1.0.0 beta/rc releases?

If not, is it targeted for 1.1 or similar future release?


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