The mailing list has been gracious to help me fix a bunch of stuff upstream
and taken my changes, and Ive really enjoyed the tooling on mynewt.

However, no offense to the mynewt core, but I would push back on the idea
you have a functioning IRC.

Ive been idling there for well over 6 months and have tried asking
questions there. Any questions there go unanswered, or are told to be taken

Further in all that time the room has been absolutely silent because the
core team has literally no public discussion there. It would be nice to
hear that kind of core discussion that really doesnt happen here either...

On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 12:07 PM, aditi hilbert <> wrote:

> at exchange - and we would love it if you could contribute back to the
> documentation (, develop
> branch) :)

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