
Sorry, I probably did not explain myself all that well.

1) The ble_ll_reset() call was mentioned in case you wanted to do something 
after the FCC test. This way you could be sure that the radio registers are all 
initialized properly after your special FCC test code messes with them (if 
indeed it does).

2) You should never have to issue ble_phy_disable() yourself. I am not sure how 
you are going to execute your FCC test code but certainly you could call 
ble_ll_reset() and once that happened (and you did not tell the controller to 
do anything else) you would have control of the radio. If your app has stopped 
advertising, scanning, initiating and has no connections, the radio will be 
free and you can mess with it to your hearts content. You would not even have 
to issue ble_ll_reset() in that case. Like I said, there are a number of 
different ways to do this… it all depends on the rest of your code and where 
you intend to call the function that will perform your FCC test code.

> On Jun 8, 2017, at 5:27 PM, Jitesh Shah <jit...@liveathos.com> wrote:
> Great!
> So then ble_ll_reset() followed by ble_phy_disable() should take care of
> most cases, right?
> As far as giving back control to the nimBLE stack is concerned - that
> probably won't be necessary. FCC is a pretty controlled environment, so you
> could get away with manually resetting your device after every test.
> If all goes well, would you guys be interested in patches/mechanisms that
> help people with the FCC test?
> Jitesh
> On Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 4:40 PM, will sanfilippo <wi...@runtime.io> wrote:
>> Question 2: Unless it got added recently and I did not catch it, currently
>> the nimble stack does not provide support for the FCC test.
>> Question 1: I guess it depends what you mean by take over control. The
>> call to ble_phy_disable() will certainly halt anything going on in the
>> radio. However, that is a pretty low-layer call and if the link layer is
>> doing something it could grab control again. As long as you are sure the
>> device is not advertising, scanning or in a connection that radio should
>> not be used and the link layer should not try to start using it.
>> There are a number of ways you could “hack” this into the code and I could
>> help with more information if you need it. And btw: if you do take control
>> of the radio and then want to return it to the nimble stack you should
>> perform a link-layer reset of the controller. The reason being is that
>> there are some radio registers that are only written once and if you change
>> them the device may no longer operate correctly.
>> Awesome that you are doing this! Let us know how it goes.
>> Will
>>> On Jun 8, 2017, at 3:23 PM, Jitesh Shah <jit...@liveathos.com> wrote:
>>> Hey all,
>>> We'll be going through the FCC pre-scan soon with 1.0 version of the
>> nimBLE
>>> stack. yay!
>>> Of all the things needed for pre-scan the two which are the most
>> important
>>> are:
>>> 1) Ability to blast packets on only one of the 40 channels (and the
>> ability
>>> to choose which channel)
>>> 2) Ability to shut off the radio
>>> (Others like transmit power, connection interval are trivial to achieve)
>>> *Question 1: *When we were using the softdevice, we disabled the
>> softdevice
>>> and took over the radio. With nimBLE, is ble_phy_disable() enough to take
>>> over the radio control from nimBLE?
>>> *Question 2: *Optionally, does nimBLE provide any support for the FCC
>> test?
>>> I scoured the source, but didn't find any. Have any of you guys been
>>> through the FCC pre-scan using nimBLE?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jitesh
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