Hi Darin,

The Myriad HA work will involve work related to issue 16.
I already have the Myriad HA design doc for review.
Your feedback on it would be really helpful.
I also plan to send out for review parts of the Myriad HA implementation
(although it does not address task reconciliation yet). I was planning to
work on it next.


On Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 12:08 PM, Darin Johnson <dbjohnson1...@gmail.com>

> Is anyone actively working these?  I'm interested in both of these and
> should have some cycles to work on them.
> One question I have on issue 12 is how the generalize Scheduling Policies
> if we have autoscaling, fine grain scheduling, and fixed resources (with a
> flexup/flexdown option).  Currently it seems as though FGS is embedded
> pretty deeply.  Ideally though we could Have a SchedulerPolicy interface,
> and users could specify the SchedulerPolicy via the Myriad config.
> If I don't get a response, I'll probably start issue 16 as it's straight
> forward and write something up on 12.
> Darin

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