Hi everyone,

I started in on mocking up the site. I got tired of the bootstrap navbar on
top approach so I came up with a few mock ups. Don't worry about the colors
not being right or whatever details that are off.

1) http://imgur.com/Or5Fkbx
2) http://imgur.com/2ok8T98
3) http://imgur.com/al0gGht

More importantly, I plan on implementing it using Jekyll (
https://jekyllrb.com/) This is how github pages is done.

Basically Jekyll parses markdown files and injects them into HTML templates
and generates a static site. The main advantage is it is really blog-aware
so we can create new release notices, blog entries, etc by writing a
standalone markdown file and recompiling the site. The other advantage is
we can redesign the website later and all the content won't have to be
ported. Jekyll will just inject the markdown content into the new site

Let me know what you think. If there aren't any objections to Jekyll I can
get started and we can quibble about design later.


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