> The second involves the cgroup hierarchy and the cgroup mount point.  Here
> the code attempts to create a hierarchy in $CGROUP_DIR/mesos/$TASK_ID.
> This is problematic as mesos will not unmount the hierarchy when the task
> finished (in this case the node manager)

IIRC, when a task is launched by mesos, the agent creates
$CGROUP_DIR/mesos/$TASK_ID mount point to enforce cpu/mem for that task.
Once the task finishes, the agent should unmount the $TASK_ID. Are you
that's not happening for NMs ?


On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 10:30 AM, Darin Johnson <dbjohnson1...@gmail.com>

> I've been digging into groups support, there's a few things that are easy
> fixes but a few things become problematic so I'd like to discuss.
> First the code makes certain options dictated that can be placed in the
> yarn-site.xml - this should be done to remove code and provide
> flexibility.  That's easy.
> The second involves the cgroup hierarchy and the cgroup mount point.  Here
> the code attempts to create a hierarchy in $CGROUP_DIR/mesos/$TASK_ID.
> This is problematic as mesos will not unmount the hierarchy when the task
> finished (in this case the node manager), it is also therefore unable to
> unmount it's own task hierarchy (This also creates the need to chmod a
> number of directories as a superuser).  This leads to issues.  An
> alternative approach would be to use the container-executor program
> (already suid w/ yarn's group) to create the hierarchy as
> $CGROUP_DIR/frameworkname if it doesn't exist, this may open another can of
> worms as I haven't tested fully.
> Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.
> Darin

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