Referring to Myriad through
the Universe package.

"I have deployed the initial version of Myriad onto an exiting DCOS 1.8
cluster and sucessfully flexed up/down the framework itself; however, it
seems jobs themselves fail once they are submitted to the RM. I am seeing
"/bin/bash: jre1.7.0_76/bin/java: No such file or directory" which I
believe points back to the YARN_HOME and JAVA_HOME parameters defined in
the myriad-config-default.yml? These paths I believe are intended to be
relative to $MESOS_DIRECTORY (of the executor), but the parameter doesn't
seem to be passed. Does this relate to the follow on work "split hadoop uri
from myriad binary, support any distro, jre/hadoop paths not hardcoded" or
is this a current bug for the package?

Continuing to mess around with it to see if I can patch it on my end."


Mike P.

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