On 2007-04-26, at 03:34 , Andreas Pauley wrote:

Kazunari Hirano wrote:
Hi Andreas!
On 4/25/07, Louis Suarez-Potts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Project created!

Yes, thanks to Louis and everyone who helped in getting the project created!

I uploaded my first page yesterday, with a single download link for now.
The page needs to get some more content though.

Does anyone know what type of pages are allowed (apart from static pages)? I'd like to devise a way of displaying relevant news feeds on that page.

The news today won't be the news after 1 May: we are upgrading the site infrastructure then and it should be easier (a little) to have RSS feeds. I'll get details on how to do this.

In the meanwhile, as Charles indicated, feel free to experiment, though I'd suggest you actually wait until we upgrade, ie, until after 1 May.


What would be great, though, is if you were to give those of us here a hint as to what the localization efforts are like in ZA. From news reports, we have learned that the ZA gov't is falling in love with FOSS, but I for one really only know of your org's work on actually localizing OOo--and have no knowledge at all about development in ZA.

My interest is to cultivate developers, core developers, of OOo everywhere. And to engage schools, etc. in the effort. Can you shed some light on this? ZA is incredibly important in Africa, and is thus obviously pivotal.


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