Hi All,

We're obviously still getting our heads around how the new release
process will work in practice, and one thing we still need to firm up
is how to handle tagging and merging PRs to master outside of the
merge windows.  I'd like to propose the following for NB 11.1, to be
reviewed after the release.

PRs to be included in next release (eg. NB 11.1)

* PRs should be made/reviewed in accordance with the Bug Priority Guidelines
* (almost) all PRs should have a related JIRA ticket with 11.1 as the
fix version - add the ticket reference in the PR title (and ideally a
full link to the issue in the description)
* Tag the PR with the release label (eg. NB 11.1)
* Add the release manager as a reviewer (in this case me) to help
tracking / scheduling

PRs ready to be merged in the following cycle (eg. NB 11.2)

* If the PR is ready for merging, add the following release label (eg. NB 11.2)
* A few days after the release (NB 11.1) necessary commits to master
such as spec increments will be made.
* Following that, the merge window reopening will be announced.
* Priority will be given to merging all pending PRs labelled as above.

Any thoughts, issues, comments?

Thanks and best wishes,


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