I would definitely say maven, in particular testing experience.
* the test report window should get preference over the output window,
which is way more usefull, although sometimes to much truncated.
* when a test is selected in the left panel, the right panel of the test
report should show the output. no i type this i wonder if it already does
* running one test file is not very stable, in that something runs but no
results are shown.
* high on my wishlist: run a single test method from either the navigator
or the editor (there are annotations) or both, or at least re_run from test
report window.
i try to promote tdd, and to make that really work, running tests should be
blazingly fast. might need some cooperation from either apache-maven and
the junit 5 team or even both.

keep making netbeans the preferred java ide.

On Sat, 1 Feb 2020 at 17:20, Geertjan Wielenga <geert...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Thinking ahead a bit, as soon as 11.3 is out, we should be evaluating the
> test specs so we can start NetCAT so we can start that a month later when
> the first beta is available when the merge window closes.
> Now -- the question of the moment is: which areas of NetBeans do we want to
> prioritize for NetCAT, especially which have not been tested before that we
> now find important (e.g., Gradle) and are essentially new kids on the
> block.
> Here is my (and Neil's) proposal for what we should be focusing on (and
> what we should not be focusing on for NetCAT 12.0).
> Focus areas (in alphabetical order):
> 1. Gradle
> 2. Jakarta EE (including Payara)
> 3. Java Editor -- new language features for JDK 11+ in particular
> 4. PHP Editor -- focus on the newest PHP language features
> 5. Maven
> 6. Ergonomics/enablement of features (issues with being behind proxy, etc)
> Things to deprioritize (this time around and remember we can't do
> everything and if you disagree please speak up and pick up the specs),
> i.e., things that haven't changed:
> 1. Form Editor (i.e., GUI Builder, Matisse)
> 2. Ant-based anything
> 3. Subversion, CVS, i.e., anything not Git
> Anyway, that's a starting point for discussion, also see this updated
> schedule:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/NETBEANS/Release+Schedule
> Thanks,
> Gj and Neil
Pieter Van den Hombergh.
No software documentation is complete with out it's source code.

Pieter Van den Hombergh.
No software documentation is complete with out it's source code.

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