Am Dienstag, den 14.04.2020, 10:20 +0100 schrieb Neil C Smith:
> On Mon, 13 Apr 2020 at 20:44, Matthias Bläsing
> <> wrote:
> > Fetch the base updates.xml:
> ...
> > The difference is, that the "distibution" attributes are relative i the
> > base version and fully qualified in the mirror version.
> ...
> > Does this looks sane?
> If you're thinking of generating every request for updates.xml?  Not really?!

Yes - it is the _catalog_ not every nbm. Yes this still needs work (for
example instead of loading the catalog and working on the DOM, a
streaming parser should be able to do the modification on-the-fly). The
alternative would be to generate update.xmls for every mirror.

> The relative / base URL different in the XML can be a problem - eg.
> using the platform Ant scripts to create the platform will fail due to
> redirects maxing out downloading NBMs.  I'm not sure if installing
> whole clusters in the IDE would trigger the same issue.  In some ways
> we only redirect via NetBeans VM as a statistics gathering mechanism.

Sorry - no idea what this means. Do you mean, that closer.lua will
reject request because a request limit is reached?

> It might be good if the IDE code followed redirects only for the
> updates.xml, and treated relative links as relative to the catalog
> endpoint anyway?

This is already the case - the urls are resolved relative to the update
center URL. BUT that URL must not be redirected to mirrors, as it is
our trust anchor.

> I agree with Antonio that this is probably better handled in the end
> user's IDE itself.  With Apache mirrors now moving to https, changing
> the update centre to directly reference a mirror may be the best
> short-term workaround - eg.

No, we must _never_ redirect the IDE to fetch the updates.xml from an
untrusted source and the mirror network must be considered untrusted.

> This obviously doesn't handle mirrors going away after next release is
> done - would need some logic to fall back to default on error if
> providing a UI for this?

Only if we trust the mirrors.



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