
I do not follow exactly from the start, but ...

Dne 23. 06. 20 v 23:48 Dmitry Semikin napsal(a):
Nevertheless, meanwhile I updated the example implementation, so that it 
implements now HighlightsContainer directly instead of using OffsetsBag. If 
someone is interested it is still available on GitHub here: 

Looking at the impl, there will be slight performance issues, especially with large documents w/ lots of small lines (xml, html, ...).

You probably do not need to keep *complete* index of all EOLs in the text here; the HightlightSequence is only called for a limited amount of text that is visible during drawing.

If you do not modify directly the WhitespaceHighlighting, which computes the chunks lazily, consider using the OffsetsBag: callbacks like insertUpdate/removeUpdate may happen in any thread, while hightlight sequences are likely to execute in EDT thread. Your code is not thread-safe maintaining highlightsStartOffsets; at least, the EolHighlightSequence should get an immutable copy of the list.

As for concurrency: highlighters AFAIK collect events from document / other modifications and fire highlight change *at any time* even while the highlight sequence might be interated through by editor's painting code (from EDT) . I think the code that throws ConcurrentModException in your sequence will break things somewhat.

- Handle them together with whitespaces in WhitespaceHighlighting.java.
I'd suggest to incorporate the changes into WhitespaceHighlighting; the newline is always part of 'traling whitespace', although not painted by default.

- In the provided example the font settings are retrieved using 
“org.netbeans.api.settings.FontColorSettings.getFontColors()”. But I cannot 
easily find, where can I add my own setting “EOL”, so that it is configurable 
from the Options dialog?

Do you want to color EOLs separately from the regular 'traling whitespace', or do you want rather to include EOL character in the traling whitespace (when it is printed) ?

- When I change the background of the EOL symbol, this background spans till 
the very right edge of the text editor. Is it expected? In my opinion it does 
not look nice. Can it be fixed somehow? I tried to pass the option 
HighlightsContainer.ATTR_EXTENDS_EOL = Boolean.FALSE, but it did not help.

It's strange, but I could not find even a bit of code that _reads_ that attribute; maybe I missed something.

Note that EOL painting is quite peculiar: the character may or may not be displayed - which is handled by NewlineView that optionally paints the character. IMHO ATTR_EXTENDS_EOL should be handled there, since that code paints background to editorView.getMaxX() if the hightlight item covers the newline character.

- If this functionality is going to ever be integrated into Netbeans, how 
should it be implemented: as separate module, or as part of existing module?
IMHO the current state seems more like omission (combination: paint trailing whitespace + show nonprintables). So I think yes.

- If existing module, which one?
Whitespace stuff is handled in editor.lib2

- Are any automated tests needed for this particular case? What is considered 
to be useful to test?
Yes !! Absolutely. In this case, you need to check various the highlight layer + editor view paint combinations. To ensure the rest of line is NOT painted; you're likely the first after LONG time to use ATTR_EXTENDS_EOL = false.


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