You are welcome to introduce any framework you like.

On the other hand, I would pause to consider that NetBeans has existed
since around 1995 without such a framework — introducing this may be a lot
of work and might be less beneficial than might br assumed.

Also note Mockito would have to be integrated into an Ant-based build


On Sat, 9 Oct 2021 at 19:26, Karl-Philipp Richter <>

> Hi,
> I wanted to contribute some unit tests to the project. As far I
> understand there's no mocking framework in use currently looking at the
> test classes and answers to my recent "Getting Started" post.
> I think this is odd and a framework should be introduced quickly. I
> recommend Mockito. If you don't believe it's useful try writing a unit
> test which passes a reference to
> org.netbeans.modules.parsing.spi.indexing.Indexable to a unit under
> test. In under two minutes. This should take seconds.
> So far, I don't know how you measure coverage and what your requirements
> for minimal coverage are for new code and bugfixes is. High coverage
> isn't a guarantee for maintainable code and a high quality product,
> however low coverage in a safe indicator for the opposite. Having a
> mocking framework available and promoting it for new code in reviews
> will increase your development speed and reduce bugs severely.
> I'm opening a different thread from my "Getting Started" post since it's
> a more concrete issue.
> -Kalle
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