macOS Sonoma 14.1.1; M2 Max; Adoptium OpenJDK 21 (jdk-21+35); UTF-8 en-GB

- SHA-256 ok
- Installed ok
- Imported NB19 config fine
- Successful build of simple Gradle 8.4 project
- Calibrated profiler fine (aarch64)
- Ran method profiler fine (aarch64; via attach to external process)

("fine" denotes no obvious immediate issues, although not explored extensively.)


On 14/11/2023 18:17, Neil C Smith wrote:
On Tue, 15 Aug 2023 at 19:28, Neil C Smith <> wrote:
On Thu, 10 Aug 2023 at 14:37, Neil C Smith <> wrote:
Testing and feedback would be appreciated before we commit to shipping
this installer for the release.
A big thank you to everyone who tested the new installer - your
feedback was much appreciated!  I think it shows we're good to move to
this installer for the NB19 release, which will hopefully move to vote
next week.

I'm not intending to create another test installer for 19-rc5, so the
link on nightlies.a.o has now disappeared with the new rc build.
As a follow up on this thread, I've just added a signed and notarized
pkg installer for 20-rc4 to

The bundle ID is different to the release, so can be tested without
affecting an NB19 installation.

Testing as we wind down towards NB20 release would be appreciated,
including of terminal and profiler support from a signed installer on



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