In Apache, I think things are solved by discussing them via e-mails until a
general agreement is reached. I think that works quite well. The
differences between different ideas are quite small, I think, at least so


On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 2:26 PM, Anael Mobilia <> wrote:

> Hello,
> How these questions should be solved ?
> We need every people migrating from * mailing-list to say
> yes or no on the mailing-list (high volume of mail)
> Is there any "votation" tool usually used on the ASF ?
> ... indeed, how to have "the" voice of the community for all theses
> important changes ?
> As a netcat tester, I remember some survey to decide for netbeans (not)
> launching.
> IMHO, it should be a great tool to have the "vox populi" :-)
> Regards,
> Anael
> Le 2016-10-06 12:11, Daniel Gruno a écrit :
> > [...]
> > Nope, nope, nope. We do not support adding new projects to the CMS
> > currently. And the moin wiki is sadly terrible by design, so unless we
> > want a 200 second delay when trying to edit things (which also freezes
> > moin completely for everyone else, yay), it's best to to with confluence
> > for the wiki part.
> >
> > As for web site, there's the choice between a static site where we just
> > have a pubsub system (you commit html to svn or git and it gets
> > published), or we can have a build bot generate the site with whatever
> > tech we want and just commit the...markdown/rst/whatever docs we use,
> > kind'a like GitHub pages etc.
> >
> > So, to sum up:
> > - CMS: NO
> > - Moin Wiki: NO
> > - Confluence: POSSIBLE
> > - Static web site: POSSIBLE
> > - Dynamic site via buildbot/jenkins: POSSIBLE
> >
> > With regards,
> > Daniel.

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