Hi all,

Does anyone have insight into the status of Hibernate in Apache.

The reason I am asking this is because Oracle is unable to donate these
files to Apache, since these files do not belong to Oracle:


Hence, we are deleting the above files from the Apache NetBeans donation.

But, as a result, the Apache NetBeans build will fail, since the above
three files are used to generate a number of files, e.g.,
"org.netbeans.modules.hibernate.cfg.model.Event" is generated from the
above files, during the build process.

My suggestion would be that as soon as the NetBeans code has been donated
to Apache and that code is physically in an Apache Git repo, we add the
above three files in the above three location, i.e.,
"hibernate/src/org/netbeans/modules/hibernate/resources" and then the build
will succeed again.

On the other hand, is Hibernate licensed such that Apache has no problem
distributing the above files? If Apache has a problem with Hibernate, this
means we'll need to remove the Hibernate functionality from NetBeans, at
some point, and we may as well do that now, rather than later in Apache,
which would have as a benefit that we'd be able to provide a buildable
Apache NetBeans, rather than one that is initially broken.



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