On 09/12/2017 02:56 PM, Geertjan Wielenga wrote:
> Hi all,
> Since those who will be doing the relicensing, i.e., doing the actual
> physical replacing of license headers to Apache, need to come from the
> donating organization, i.e., from Oracle -- we have a special situation to
> deal with: Oracle is building up a team of devs dedicated to Apache
> NetBeans development. Right now, there are three members of this team, and
> it will grow in the coming months to around 8.
> The three that are there right now are listed in the Oracle CCLA. However,
> they were not there at the time that we put together the Apache NetBeans
> Incubator proposal, so they're not part of the initial list of committers.
> Neither do they yet have any visible contributions to Apache NetBeans --
> though. on the other hand, they have heaps of experience over the past year
> and a lot of commitment, since they were the ones that cleaned up the code
> and prepared the ZIP files for donation to Apache.
> In short, we'd like them to do the changes of the license headers, though
> we can't go down the normal route where they'd first prove their value to
> the Apache NetBeans project, since the project is too new and their
> involvement has been behind the scenes.
> Aside from doing the changes of the license headers, they'll be working on
> an ongoing basis on Apache NetBeans, especially in the JavaScript area, so
> this will not be a 'once off' thing.
> Their names are Arunava Sinha, Reema Taneja, and Vikas Prabhakar.
> As a community, what do we think the right process should be here?
> Thanks,
> Gj

For a podling, things are a bit more lax.
What we essentially need is a vote on each candidate on the private
list. Once we have sufficient votes and 72h has passed, they can be
formally invited as committers. If there is lazy consensus that we
should invite them, you can proceed with a vote thread for each
committer in spe.

Normally, a committer would have to prove themselves worthy of the
'commit bit', but I think we can be more relaxed about this at the very

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