built from source
then ant tryme
then confirmed with the test project from Antonio

On 13 November 2017 at 23:34, Antonio <anto...@vieiro.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm attaching a very small 2Kb example NetBeans project that uses the
> platform for running.
> Instructions:
> a) Unzip the platform at X somewhere.
> b) Open the NetBeans IDE and choose Tools/NetBeans Platforms. Add the
> platform at 'X' to the list of platforms.
> c) Unzip the TEST.tgz attached project somewhere.
> d) Open the TEST project in the NetBeans IDE, choose project/properties, and
> set the platform to "nbdev" (aka NetBeans 9 Alpha).
> e) Run the TEST project.
> f) A new application should launch.
> Let me know if you have any issues.
> Cheers,
> Antonio
> El 13/11/17 a las 23:17, John McDonnell escribió:
>>> Included as a convenience is a binary, unzip it and run it and you'll see
>>> the NetBeans Platform:
>>> https://builds.apache.org/view/Incubator%20Projects/job/incubator-netbeans-release/79/artifact/dist/netbeans-platform-bin-platform-9.0-alpha.zip
>> How does one "run" the platform?
>> Regards
>> John


"Les formes qui differencient les etres importent peu
 si leur pensees s'unissent pour batir un univers..."
 Yoko Tsuno (in 'Les titans' by Roger Leloup)
 [The shapes that differenciate beings are not important
 if their thoughts unite to build a universe]

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