
Right now NetBeans users may easily install verified 3rd party plugins from an 
update center called Plugin Portal, with the site http://plugins.netbeans.org

The whole Plugin Portal will be moved outside Oracle (and outside Apache) soon.

My question is: can Apache NetBeans still refer new users to the Plugin Portal?

This is quite similar to the way Apache Maven refers users to Maven Central 
which is hosted by Sonatype, Inc.

Note that the Plugin Portal is a bit better than Maven Central because plugins 
need to be validated by at least 2 authorised people before being shown to 

Initially I had assumed that we have to delete Plugin Portal from a default 
build and I created https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-163 but now, 
in light of the Apache Maven precedent, I believe we might still keep it.

Can we keep it?


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