2018-03-15 4:26 GMT+01:00 cowwoc <cow...@bbs.darktech.org>:

> Chuck,
> My main beef with AWT/Swing is one of API design first, bugs second, and
> performance last.
> I think there is a real opportunity here but it is a difficult one to
> solve in an open-source context. I think open-source communities are great
> for fixing bugs and implementing features but they are not great for API
> design. I wish we had someone like Joshua Bloch in charge of designing a
> new API

Dear Gili, let me point out that there is a person among this community who
has some API design experience. The person may not be well known and may be
to shy to speak up, but I am sure he is watching. After gathering a lot of
experience with his first long term API design project, he even wrote a
book about the topic. The first API Design book ever published...

> My goal is to make UI development as easy under Java as it is for the web.

...after that he started to design slick APIs to make UI development for
Web in Java smooth, rapid, and as type-safe as possible. Maybe he failed,
maybe his work is underestimated and undervalued in the community. Possibly
he will live and die miserably.

Because, after all the hard work I put into designing HTML/Java API and in
spite I used all the experience I gained while designing NetBeans as
described in my http://practical.apidesign.org book, I don't seem to be
able to convince anyone that HTML/Java is the most slick Java API ever
designed for creating portable UIs and a way to go!

Best regards.

that would sit on top of AWT/Swing, provide equivalent functionality as the
> original, but with a clean API. I also believe that it is vital to
> gradually break backwards compatiblity over time (as Google Guava does) in
> order to end up with a better API long-term.
> My goal is to make UI development as easy under Java as it is for the web.
> For the vast majority of use-cases, technical performance is not the
> bottleneck. Developer productivity is. I want an API that faciliates
> building Filthy Rich Clients, similar to Android/iOS applications we're all
> familiar with that ooze UI goodness.
> Gili

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