I've noticed a few bugs I filed where I included patches, *and* the patches
were accepted and the bugs were marked fixed in Bugzilla, where the code
changes are not in the Apache source code.

Digging up the exact issue numbers in Bugzilla when you have a bugzilla
history as large as mine is not an easy thing, but I've assembled the
patches in question here:


What they fix:
 - A StackOverflowError in the javascript parser - just clone
https://github.com/timboudreau/cfig and open cfig.js to reproduce

 - Generating equals/hashCode failing with an NPE

 - Stack trace links in the output of Maven projects being broken:

I've been running netbeans with all of these patchs for 6 months or more
with no problems.

Can we do something about this?  Do I need to refile issues in JIRA?



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