Dear all,

Some of you might noticed that I spent some time digging JIRA up and down during the last few days.

I try to identify those issues which we really need to solve before 9.0 release. Right now it is hard to say. We are working with two version field at the moment: Affects version(s) and Fix Version(s).

1. Affects Versions: is quite straight forward: It is used to define
   the version where the issue is found. For me it is not necessary the
   version it shall be fixed.
2. Fix Versions: It can be set when an issue is resolved, marking the
   version where the fix for the issue would be delivered.
3. There is no clear field which would specify if an issue shall be in
   a specific release. Well, I know this is not really agile, but we
   are still kind of waterfall, having infrequent major releases.

To see my problem, check: NETBEANS-656 Help is Broken (Offline and On-line) <>

Affect Versions: 9.0 (well, yes we do not deliver JavaHelp)

Fix Version: Though there is an improvement PR applied from Geertjan, I still can't say it is fixed in 9.0. I set it to Next, though the issue is still unresolved and I do not feel myself comfortable with that setting either.

We can haggle on the Priority of the issue. It does not really affects me, but if we really would like to provide a decent IDE we might need to come up with a JavaHelp replacement. So critical would be fine for me either. Still this issue would not be delivered in NB 9.0.

I'd propose label those issues which we would really like to deliver in 9.0 with "NB9.0", though I'm open any other clarifications/suggestions etc. So let's discuss this!

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