I was been interested some years ago in NetBeans Platform. I organized
translation from English to Czech and cowrote a NetBeans Platform Cookbook 
which were not realized - it is on NB wiki pages. 

So I leaved it - because of time and the need of application based on NB 
Platform disappears in my work. 
Now is all by browser. :-(. But NBP is suitable for many application as the
showcase shows.

The book was made for NB 6.9.1 and tested for 7.1. Many features were moved
to annotations in this time. We both had no time to upgrade it.

My English is poor so I could upgrade these examples or test new examples.


---------- Původní e-mail ----------
Od: Delfi Ramirez <del...@delfiramirez.info>
Komu: dev@netbeans.incubator.apache.org <dev@netbeans.incubator.apache.org>
Datum: 16. 7. 2018 13:56:18
Předmět: RE: Apache NetBeans Apress Book
"Hi All:

Agreed there is the need of a chapter-by-chapter community written book. 

Count me in. Even if there is the need for the book, once written, of a 
single translator for the whole community content.

Even everyone of us has English as a mother tongue or second tongue, we may
able to reach and target new markets and new loyal fellows in this world 
wide world we live in


Delfi Ramirez

Segonquart Studio


From: Oliver Rettig
Sent: 16 July 2018 13:47
To: dev@netbeans.incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: Apache NetBeans Apress Book

Hi all,

I like the idea of a community-written book very much. This can encourage 
people to join
our great community and it show that netbeans is now a apache project ... 
For me the
community is one of the most important facts to work with netbeans and
rarely with eclipse.

I have some experience with writing a book for Tomcat 5:


and the most important thing I have learned from this book project is:
better not to write
such books alone.

It would be a pleasure for me to write a chapter for a community-written 
Netbeans book, or
may be to translate from english to german some parts, if we want to have a

But I have less experience in organzing such things. In scientific
communities typically you
have an editor or a small team of editors. Their job is often really a lot
of work: to defines the
chapters/articles, to find people who can write the articles and to push the
authors to deliver
in the timeline.

An other question is where and how to publish the book. My experience with
the Tomcat
book was that the publisher was a really great help in formatting and
proofreading. And a
publisher can be a very big help in invertising for apache netbeans.

But it should be also possible to write the book without a publisher at our
own. In this case
we can have an open-pdf-Version of the book. Maye we can have this too with
a publisher?

best regards

> I've been approached by Apress regarding interest in a book on Apache 
> NetBeans. I personally do not have enough time to devote to another book
> right now, so I wanted to send a note to the Apache NetBeans developer 
> group to see if there are any developers interested in authoring a book 
> (perhaps a collaborative effort).
> I know things are very busy right now, and I've already told Apress that
> the main focus is the release of Apache NetBeans 9 right now, but maybe a
> book project could start this fall. There are no timelines right
> now...just interest in a book on the new open Apache NetBeans IDE.
> If anyone is interested then reply to this message and I can get a list of

> names together to send along to Apress.
> Thanks
> Josh Juneau
> juneau...@gmail.com
> http://jj-blogger.blogspot.com
> https://www.apress.com/index.php/author/author/view/id/1866


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