Please redirect me if appropriate...

I am using the gradle support new in 11.0.  I am noticing the following:

  *   It appears the exclude options are not being applied:

sourceSets {

  main {

    java {

      srcDir 'JavaV2/Src'

      srcDir 'JavaV2/API/Src'

      srcDir 'JavaV2/Fedex/Src'

      srcDir 'JavaV2/Library/Src'

      srcDir 'JavaV2/Products/Src'

      srcDir 'JavaV2/Protocol/Src'

      srcDir 'JavaV2/Qryptonite/Src'

      srcDir 'JavaV2/Security/Src'

      srcDir 'JavaV2/Shipping/Src'

      srcDir 'JavaV2/Spring/Src'

      srcDir 'JavaV2/Ui/Src'

      exclude '**/doc-files/**'

      exclude 'makefile'

      exclude '**/makefile'


  *   However, I still see Library.QcSockets.TcpipNet.doc-files in my list of 
sources as well as makefile
  *   Is there a way to make the source actually show a name that distinguishes 
which source it is?  Each of my above sources show as "Source Package 

These above items both function differently in NB 10.0 using the gradle plugin. 
 Other than that, project builds great using open JDK 11.0.2.


Mike Billman
Senior Software Engineer


11800 Conrey Rd
Suite 150
Cincinnati, OH 45249

T +1 513 469 1424
F +1 513 469 1425

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