NiFi Gurus,

Regarding Controller Services, I'm seeing some strange behavior regarding a
custom Controller Service only showing its ID in a Processor and was
wondering if anyone's encountered similar issues.  Seeing this on the
latest develop branch, 0.3.0-SNAPSHOT.

Steps taken:
1. Create instance of Controller Service in the Controller Settings >
Controller Services tab
1a. Enable that instance of the Controller Service
2. Add new Processor on canvas that will use Controller Service
3. Configure Processor
3a. Existing Controller Service does not show in property options. Only "No
value" and "Create new service..."
3b. Clicking "Create new service..." opens modal with the custom Controller
Service as the only item in the dropdown
3c. Clicking "Create" button succeeds, but puts the UUID of the Controller
Service in the Value of the Processor Property.

Observed state:
- Processor is still invalid
- The ID in the Processor Property matches the ID of the second (disabled)
instance of the Controller Service in the Controller Settings modal.

There are no errors in nifi-app.log - only contains log messages from the
StandardControllerServiceProvider that it "Created Controller Service of
type [my-implementation-class] with identifier [UUID-that-shows-in-the-GUI]"

Adding a DetectDuplicate processor with the
DistributedMapCacheClientService works just fine, so it'd hard to point
fingers at the framework.  Any thoughts on where to begin debugging and/or
loggers to turn up would be greatly appreciated!


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