
One way to avoid the merge commits is to use rebase. I believe we have it
outlined here:

In short, you basically...
- checkout your master
- fetch upstream to get the latest apache nifi master
- merge the upstream master to your master
- checkout your feature branch
- rebase your feature branch to your master, which essentially takes away
your commits on that branch, brings it up to date with master, and puts
back your commits


On Wed, Nov 4, 2015 at 8:15 AM, Joe Skora <> wrote:

> Ok, I've read numerous Github howto's, but still don't feel like I've been
> doing it quite right.
> Assuming that I've cloned the 'apache/nifi' to 'myname/nifi', what is the
> best way to integrate changes in 'apache/nifi'?  Whatever process I've
> followed so far has created another commit in my repo related to merging
> the upstream changes, which confuses things when comparing my repo to
> upstream.
> Regards,
> Joe

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