
FWIW, let’s use WIKI comments to maintain a discussion. It will be simpler in 
the end to compile a resolution and move on. 

Yet, I’ll reply here anyway.
Yes, there will be breaking changes. Its not a question of IF, but rather WHEN.
What we can do is make it less painful by introducing certain changes gradually 
with deprecations and clear communication to the community on what is about to 
change. Other mechanics could be applied here as well, but before we get into 
the mechanics, I’d like to see if there are any more ideas, concerns etc, so we 
can have a join resolution as to what is a sustainable documentation model of 
the future NiFi, then we can figure out how to get there. 


> On Jan 18, 2016, at 1:08 PM, Joshua Davis <> wrote:
> Oleg,
> Interesting document, what impact would it have on existing installations
> of NIFI?
> What would be the upgrade path for Custom Processors?
> Are we breaking compatibility with the previous way of doing documentation?
> Why not create a simple content repository that can hold the documentation
> information?
> Is there a plan for multiple languages?
> Joshua Davis
> Senior Consultant
> Hortonworks Professional Services
> (407)476-6752
> On 1/18/16, 12:09 PM, "Oleg Zhurakousky" <>
> wrote:
>> Guys
>> I¹ve just finished initial draft of the proposal to improve our component
>> documentation mechanisms (e.g., Processors, ControllerServices etc).
>> mprovements
>> Please give it a read and let¹s get discussion going.
>> Cheers
>> Oleg

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