Joe and Oleg,

Thank you both for the information. Joe I agree with your point that maven
should be leveraged as much as possible. I will have to check with the
original author of the code to see if publishing to some maven repository
would be allowed. Fingers crossed.

Oleg that is very helpful information for sure and if the maven repository
publishing becomes a road block I will certainly fall back to this approach.


On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 8:18 AM, Oleg Zhurakousky <> wrote:

> Jeremy
> Actually the new JMS support which is going in 0.6 answers your exact
> question since with this new support we are supporting non-OS JMS providers
> (e.g., IBM, Tibco etc).
> Basically you can look at and see
> what’s going on (in ControllerServices specifically ), but in the nutshell,
> user points to the directory containing additional resources that needs to
> be added to the class path (e.g., JARs etc.)
> Oleg
> On Feb 22, 2016, at 8:07 AM, Jeremy Dyer <<mailto:
>>> wrote:
> What would be the recommended way to include 3rd party dependencies for
> building a custom processor that are not present in the public maven
> repository? Local lib directory or ???

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