I think this a legitimate bug that was introduced in 0.5.0.

I created this ticket: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NIFI-1596

For those interested, I think the line of code causing the problem is this:


I think that should be:
  if (!StringUtils.isBlank(tableNameFromMeta))

Have't tried this, but based on the error that was reported it seems like
this could be the problem.


On Sat, Mar 5, 2016 at 4:52 PM, Marcelo Valle Ávila <mva...@keedio.com>

> Hello Juan,
> Thanks for the response,
> I deploy a NiFi 0.5.1 clean installation, and the behavior is still there.
> Reading other user mail of the mailing list, it seems that there is some
> incompatibility between NiFi 0.5.x and Oracle databases (maybe more).
> With DB2 databases works fine.
> Regards
> 2016-03-04 19:27 GMT+01:00 Juan Sequeiros <helloj...@gmail.com>:
>> I wonder if on the controller service DBCPConnectionPool associated to
>> your ExecuteSQL processor you have something that can't be found since it's
>> stored on your older release.
>> On Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 11:12 AM, Marcelo Valle Ávila <mva...@keedio.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello community,
>>> I'm starting my first steps with NiFi, and enjoining how it works!
>>> I started with version 0.4.1 and a simple flow:
>>> ExecuteSQL -> ConvertAvroToJSON -> PutEventHub
>>> Reading from an Oracle database, and everything works like a charm!
>>> Few days ago NiFi 0.5.1 has been released, and I tried a rolling
>>> upgrade, using my old NiFi flow. The update goes right and my flow is
>>> loaded correctly.
>>> The problem is when I starts the ExecuteSQL processor, it doesn't
>>> works... In log file I can see this trace:
>>> ERROR [Timer-Driven Process Thread-8]
>>> o.a.nifi.processors.standard.ExecuteSQL
>>> org.apache.avro.SchemaParseException: Empty name
>>> at org.apache.avro.Schema.validateName(Schema.java:1076) ~[na:na]
>>> at org.apache.avro.Schema.access$200(Schema.java:79) ~[na:na]
>>> at org.apache.avro.Schema$Name.<init>(Schema.java:436) ~[na:na]
>>> at org.apache.avro.Schema.createRecord(Schema.java:145) ~[na:na]
>>> at
>>> org.apache.avro.SchemaBuilder$RecordBuilder.fields(SchemaBuilder.java:1732)
>>> ~[na:na]
>>> at
>>> org.apache.nifi.processors.standard.util.JdbcCommon.createSchema(JdbcCommon.java:138)
>>> ~[na:na]
>>> at
>>> org.apache.nifi.processors.standard.util.JdbcCommon.convertToAvroStream(JdbcCommon.java:72)
>>> ~[na:na]
>>> at
>>> org.apache.nifi.processors.standard.ExecuteSQL$1.process(ExecuteSQL.java:158)
>>> ~[na:na]
>>> at
>>> org.apache.nifi.controller.repository.StandardProcessSession.write(StandardProcessSession.java:1953)
>>> ~[nifi-framework-core-0.5.1.jar:0.5.1]
>>> at
>>> org.apache.nifi.processors.standard.ExecuteSQL.onTrigger(ExecuteSQL.java:152)
>>> ~[na:na]
>>> at
>>> org.apache.nifi.processor.AbstractProcessor.onTrigger(AbstractProcessor.java:27)
>>> ~[nifi-api-0.5.1.jar:0.5.1]
>>> at
>>> org.apache.nifi.controller.StandardProcessorNode.onTrigger(StandardProcessorNode.java:1139)
>>> [nifi-framework-core-0.5.1.jar:0.5.1]
>>> at
>>> org.apache.nifi.controller.tasks.ContinuallyRunProcessorTask.call(ContinuallyRunProcessorTask.java:139)
>>> [nifi-framework-core-0.5.1.jar:0.5.1]
>>> at
>>> org.apache.nifi.controller.tasks.ContinuallyRunProcessorTask.call(ContinuallyRunProcessorTask.java:49)
>>> [nifi-framework-core-0.5.1.jar:0.5.1]
>>> at
>>> org.apache.nifi.controller.scheduling.TimerDrivenSchedulingAgent$1.run(TimerDrivenSchedulingAgent.java:124)
>>> [nifi-framework-core-0.5.1.jar:0.5.1]
>>> at
>>> java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:471)
>>> [na:1.7.0_79]
>>> at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.runAndReset(FutureTask.java:304)
>>> [na:1.7.0_79]
>>> at
>>> java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$301(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:178)
>>> [na:1.7.0_79]
>>> at
>>> java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:293)
>>> [na:1.7.0_79]
>>> at
>>> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145)
>>> [na:1.7.0_79]
>>> at
>>> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:615)
>>> [na:1.7.0_79]
>>> at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745) [na:1.7.0_79]
>>> I tried with a clean installation of NiFi 0.5.1 and new clean flow, but
>>> the error stills appears, and the processor doesn't starts.
>>> With a downgrade to NiFi 0.4.1 the processor works perfectly.
>>> Do you have any idea of what can be failing?
>>> Do you think I'm doing something wrong?
>>> Thanks in advance!
>>> Marcelo
>> --
>> Juan Carlos Sequeiros

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