Interesting choice of words “at the discretion. . .”. That can certainly be a 
happy medium as I do agree that 90% of them won’t need that. Further more, the 
extensions that are developed/managed by NiFi we can apply “the discretion” 
behind the scenes, thus not putting a burden on the DFM. For example knowing 
that HDFS bundle uses UGI we can apply CL isolation on that bundle but not 
others. The same would go for SNMP and others that we know
Then it only leaves the once we can’t control (user NARs developed internally). 
But that could be addressed through documentation on how to develop/deploy a 
bundle that required CL isolation. 


> On Mar 9, 2016, at 8:33 AM, Tony Kurc <> wrote:
> Joe,
> I had similar thoughts about the additional resource usage this adds, which
> is why I thought exploring the downsides was apropos. I think one thing I
> initially thought was that a lot of the "simple" core processors wouldn't
> gain any advantage by doing this... but honestly, I'm not sure what is a
> bigger problem, having a lot of processors and this chewing up resources,
> or inability to put the combination of processors / configurations together
> that you need. Could we have the best of both worlds by having a
> classloaders per processor at the discretion of either the operator (or
> maybe processor developer)? This adds more code complexity, for sure.
> I think I mentioned this before on pull request a long time ago, it sure is
> hard to make decisions like this without having better metrics about who is
> using what part of nifi. I wonder what a way of reporting finer grained
> usage would look like in the apache world.
> On Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 8:14 AM, Joe Witt <> wrote:
>> There are clear benefits to having the notion of extension isolation
>> be as narrow as a single instance of that extension in the flow.
>> However, there are also some important questions that must be
>> answered.
>> A quick one that comes to mind is the idea of a classloader per
>> extension instance means the same classes will not only be added many
>> times but they'll be added potentially an unbounded number of times as
>> a given flow grows.  Today the number of classloaders is bounded/set
>> at startup.  This is something we need good numbers on in terms of
>> overhead/cost.  We could address this by letting in hints that say we
>> can collapse/share classloaders and so on.  But then we also need to
>> be careful how far we go with this.
>> We could have chosen alternative componentization models long ago but
>> held back due to complexity.  We were happy to lose some of the power
>> to ditch most of the complexity.  Not saying this concept goes too far
>> but saying we need to always figure out the right sweet spot and that
>> inherently means when we have "enough capability vs complexity".
>> Given the clearly very early stage of this discussion my personal
>> preference is to see is it end up as a feature proposal/design doc on
>> the wiki page with some of the others.  We have seen over time that
>> folks in the community not actively watching the mailing lists do
>> notice those proposals and tend to bring them up or want to engage on
>> them later.  The Wiki/feature proposal section makes that easier.
>> Thanks
>> Joe
>> On Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 7:32 AM, Oleg Zhurakousky
>> <> wrote:
>>> Well, sure there is the obvious; two instances of the same NAR = two
>> instances of the same class in memory. But that’s a very small price to pay
>> when realizing that current state of things can simply render NiFi
>> un-usable. In fact we already had similar issue with HDFS processors (
>> that has UGI Kerberos
>> code which uses the same static initializer model. I’ve patched it few
>> weeks ago, but I must say it’s a true patch (a band-aid) to address an
>> immediate problem, but the core issue is still there and could resurrect
>> itself at any time.
>>> As for the complexity, sure, ClassLoaders are one of those areas in Java
>> that is generally perceived as complex. I happen to navigate it with ease
>> due to things I’ve done in the previous life, so I can help (with code and
>> documentation to ensure its maintainable), but wanted to see what the
>> general feel is.
>>> Keep in mind, the concept is not new. In fact I’d go as far as saying
>> it’s pretty much a standard in server architectures. On top of that we kind
>> of heading that direction anyway, since the minute we introduce Extension
>> Registry with versioning, we bring on-demand deployment and at that time
>> ClassLoader per instance will become the most natural and simple thing to
>> do, so might as well start earlier.
>>> Cheers
>>> Oleg
>>>> On Mar 8, 2016, at 7:35 PM, Tony Kurc <> wrote:
>>>> Oleg,
>>>> What do you think are the downsides of doing this? Memory usage?
>> Additional
>>>> complexity?
>>>> Tony
>>>> On Mar 8, 2016 9:54 AM, "Oleg Zhurakousky" <
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Was wondering what others are thinking on the following:
>>>>> We have several components (Processors, ControllerServices etc.) both
>>>>> existing and coming down the pipeline which rely on class-level
>>>>> initializers (see example below from new SNMP PR)
>>>>> SecurityModels.getInstance().addSecurityModel(usm);
>>>>> While it’s a common pattern for certain types of use cases it doesn’t
>> go
>>>>> well with the flexibility we try to promote within NiFi. Specifically
>> the
>>>>> ability to have two different components that rely on such initializers
>>>>> being different or in different states. This is because multiple
>> instances
>>>>> of the same component will be loaded by the same NAR ClassLoader and
>> since
>>>>> such initializers maintain the state at the class level (singleton),
>> they
>>>>> are shared across all instances of the component. So, the above example
>>>>> will set security model for a processor where such security model was
>>>>> required and it will immediately be available to another instance of
>> the
>>>>> same type processor where it may not be required or supported causing
>> hard
>>>>> to explain/debug errors.
>>>>> There is a simple ClassLoader trick that we can discuss and implement
>> to
>>>>> alleviate this (I’ve done it for another processor that is coming down
>> the
>>>>> pipeline), but first I would like to know what others think, since the
>> more
>>>>> I think about it the more I feel it is global concern and as such
>> would be
>>>>> better addressed at the  framework level.
>>>>> Thoughts
>>>>> Oleg

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