
Your problem is most likely in your NAR poms where you may satisfy compile 
dependency but not NAR to participate in class loader runtime  inheritance. Is 
there a way to look at your poms and also the general structure of the project?


Sent from my iPhone

> On Mar 15, 2016, at 18:51, Devin Fisher <> 
> wrote:
> I'm having issues using a standard controller service (DBCPConnectionPool)
> that is provided by nifi-dbcp-service-nar. But I'm having issues with my
> nar. I have included a dependency on nifi-dbcp-service-api in my maven pom
> and have used the property description that is the same as ExecuteSQL for
> the DBCP_SERVICE property. When I load my processor in nifi I don't get a
> list of DBCPConnectionPool controller service like I expect. I have an
> ExecuteSQL processor in the same flow (for testing) and it list the
> controller service I created just fine and uses it just fine.
> The problem seems to me (I don't have a development environment to confirm)
> that the DBCPService.class that I use in my processor is not seen as the
> same class object (because of the isolation features of NAR) as the one
> that DBCPCOnnectionPool implements. I think I have mostly confirmed this by
> implementing a dummy controller service that implements DBCPService in the
> same NAR as my processor and my processor is able to list it just fine. But
> the ExecuteSQL don't list my dummy controller service. So they seem to be
> considered different classes.
> I think I'm doing something wrong because ExecuteSQL is not in the same nar
> as DBCPConnectionPool. So they play nice together somehow but I don't see
> what I need to do so that my nar works the same way.
> I'm enjoying developing against nifi and sorry if this is a rookie mistake.
> Devin

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