Hey folks,

As a heads up, PR #403 [1]/NIFI-1811 is to be merged in imminently.  This
is part of cleaning up some of our code debt as we move toward 1.0 and
removing of the ProcessorLog which was deprecated/supplanted by

For contributors, if possible, it would be desirable to make use of the
ComponentLog proactively in any of your 0.x endeavors where *new* logging
is being incorporated.  This is completely API compatible and the super
interface of the ProcessorLog (which had been relegated to nothing more
than a marker interface to maintain API compatibility when its methods were
extracted).  I just now noticed that this interface is not tagged as
deprecated and will make that adjustment on the 0.x branch to help with
this process and give a little guidance on this direction.

For committers, there is a bit of an effort required to adjust any
additions to the 1.0 branch to ensure any *new* usage of the ProcessorLog
in 0.x contributions are migrated to ComponentLog.


[1] https://github.com/apache/nifi/pull/403

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