I agree with all those points, but a big +1 to this:

> By making any release (incremental, major, or minor) we should be
> saying that it is in a mature state and we should certainly be saying
> there is no known "loss of capability or risk to their data".  For the
> examples you provide I believe those fall under the guidance that
> states we would backport and produce a release.
> Users will never uptake new versions as fast as we'd like.  That is
> why we should focus on producing higher and higher quality releases
> and why we should focus on making the process of upgrading as smooth
> as possible.

Andy LoPresto
PGP Fingerprint: 70EC B3E5 98A6 5A3F D3C4  BACE 3C6E F65B 2F7D EF69

> On Jun 16, 2016, at 1:14 PM, Joe Witt <joe.w...@gmail.com> wrote:
> JoeS,
> Understood.  Some responses for the points you are raising.
> ---
> "At a minimum, everything needed to upgrade from X to Y needs to be
> explicitly covered in a migration document"
> Agreed.  That is the intent of this document [1] primarily.  There is
> also useful information related to how the community has discussed
> handling such things here [2] and here [3].
> ---
> "At a minimum, everything needed to upgrade from X to Y needs to
> be...where possible and practical...simplified by tools or scripts"
> Agreed.  That I think is well reflected in JIRAs and feature proposals
> which can be disruptive in nature and also in techniques that have
> been adopted for some time.  For some concrete examples of the
> commitment to easing and promoting upgrades:
> 1) The old flow configuration is designed to be automatically
> converted/honored on startup
> 2) The old authorization file configuration is automatically converted
> to the new policies model on startup.
> 3) Placement/dimensions of components on the old flow configuration
> are automatically scaled to look nice in the new UI.
> 4) Key features such as site to site and flow file repository have
> been build to store and honor versions so that new versions can read
> and port them.  This will also occur with the flow configuration
> itself going forward.
> ---
> "I think any change to reduce support for 0.x should depend on first
> reaching a mature state with 1.x"
> By making any release (incremental, major, or minor) we should be
> saying that it is in a mature state and we should certainly be saying
> there is no known "loss of capability or risk to their data".  For the
> examples you provide I believe those fall under the guidance that
> states we would backport and produce a release.
> Users will never uptake new versions as fast as we'd like.  That is
> why we should focus on producing higher and higher quality releases
> and why we should focus on making the process of upgrading as smooth
> as possible.
> [1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/NIFI/Migration+Guidance
> [2] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/NIFI/Upgrading+NiFi
> [3] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/NIFI/Version+Scheme
> [4] 
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/NIFI/Git+Branching+and+Release+Line+Management
> Thanks
> Joe
> On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 3:59 PM, Joe Skora <jsk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I think any change to reduce support for 0.x should depend on first
>> reaching a mature state with 1.x.  Only after the new release is stable can
>> 0.x users upgrade to 1.x without loss of capability or risk to their data.
>> I don't think the guidance needs significant changes, but from an
>> enterprise use perspective this line concerns.
>>> When the release line on master has no releases we will back port...
>> I'd prefer something along the lines of this.
>>> Until the release line on master has reached a mature release we will back
>>> port...
>> Once an enterprise commits to a deployment of something like NiFi, changes
>> are expensive and disruptive.  At a minimum, everything needed to upgrade
>> from X to Y needs to be explicitly covered in a migration document, and
>> where possible and practical simplified by tools or scripts.  I'm not sure
>> how to put that commitment in writing since it can't be an absolute, but a
>> statement to that effect seems missing in the guidance.
>> On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 3:22 PM, Tony Kurc <trk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Yes, I think we need to probably tighten the language to take as much
>>> inference (and hence misunderstanding) out as possible.
>>> On Jun 15, 2016 5:59 PM, "Joe Witt" <joe.w...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> <Pulling this away from the 0.7 release efforts thread>
>>>> Tony, Joe,
>>>> It sounds as though you would like to propose a change to this [1]
>>>> release line management guidance that we generated as a result of the
>>>> various discussions.
>>>> Can you please propose some changes to that guidance?
>>>> Of course, we must always work to support easy migration for
>>>> developers and users any time we move minor or major releases out.
>>>> [1]
>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/NIFI/Git+Branching+and+Release+Line+Management
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Joe
>>>> On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 11:14 AM, Tony Kurc <trk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> I remember the thread, but it seems I need to reread the thread -
>>>> honestly
>>>>> the comment did take me by surprise, I think we may have used a few
>>> terms
>>>>> that were left open to interpretation.
>>>>> On Jun 15, 2016 5:06 PM, "Joe Skora" <jsk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> I agree with Tony on this.
>>>>>> The point of release branching, etc. is to make it possible to
>>> maintain
>>>> an
>>>>>> older version while building the newer version.  Yes, it is a
>>> nuisance,
>>>> but
>>>>>> not nearly as much as a new version is for users if it is has
>>>> significant
>>>>>> changes and/or bugs.  Except in cases where there is a captive user
>>>> base,
>>>>>> failure to maintain the prior version while perfecting the latest and
>>>>>> greatest can be a fatal decision.
>>>>>> The 0.x version does have shortcomings, but with the amount of the
>>>> back-end
>>>>>> and front-end that has completely redesigned, I am concerned that a
>>>>>> stagnant 0.x will result is a loss of users.  The transition from 0.x
>>> to
>>>>>> 1.x will not be easy for most users.  In many ways, transitioning to
>>> 1.x
>>>>>> will be like implementing a whole new system which would cause most
>>>>>> organizations I've worked to revisit their system choice to see what
>>>> other
>>>>>> solutions might exist for their use cases.
>>>>>> On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 7:11 PM, Andre <andre-li...@fucs.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> Tony,
>>>>>>> I second Joe's comments as well.
>>>>>>> Since the early discussions about the branching model I have been
>>>> under
>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> total impression that once 1.0 is released, 0.x would become support
>>>> only
>>>>>>> and updates restricted to critical issues (security & data-loss
>>>>>>> break-fixes).
>>>>>>> This is not to say that a NPE or a 100% CPU issue shouldn't be
>>>>>> backported,
>>>>>>> but I would imagine the effort to port to 0.x should be driven by
>>> the
>>>>>>> contributor rather than the merger (as it is being done atm).
>>>>>>> On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 8:13 AM, Joe Witt <joe.w...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> According to the discussion we had about the management of the
>>>> release
>>>>>>>> lines there would only be incremental releases when something was
>>>>>>> critical
>>>>>>>> enough (security or data loss).  And, if someone really wanted
>>>> needed a
>>>>>>>> minor release they could initiate and do that as well.  But as far
>>>> as
>>>>>>>> continued feature development and focus it would shift to 1.0.
>>>>>>>> So emphasis moves to new major line but those staying on the old
>>>> major
>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>> still have options as well.
>>>>>>>> On Jun 14, 2016 5:31 PM, "Tony Kurc" <trk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Joe, for some reason, my mental image was that I expected we'd
>>> keep
>>>>>>>> releasing new 0.x minor releases for a while along with 1.x.
>>>>>>>> Is that everyone else's expectations?

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