
I wanted to discuss introducing a dynamic Apache NiFi MiNiFi CPP build
asset to the website. Currently building the cpp agent takes a fair amount
of system setup and insight to the project. I want to ease adoption by
introducing a webpage on the website that allows an end user to select
things like os, target architecture, build host os, build options (GPS
integration, etc), statically linked libraries or not, etc. After the user
drills down through the selection options a list of required dependencies
for their OS and cmake build command will be displayed on the page. Not
only will this ease in users building for the multiple targets but can help
us out on the dev side since we because have issues they can include this
snapshot with their error logs to help give us insight into potential
problem areas. Below is a high level list of features that I currently have
in mind.

- Dynamic selection of build targets and options
- List of system dependencies for target
- cmake command for target
- future support for actual binary downloads from this form
- output download so that file can be attached to JIRAs or emails related
to build errors for troubleshooting
- simple HTML and JSON driven functionality so no extra infrastructure will
be required from Apache infrastructure.

I would love to hear ideas from others so that I can compile them into a
JIRA and begin working towards a first draft release. This can certainly be
an iterative process but I believe the sooner we can get something out
working even if its a bare minimum implementation the more adoption we will
see with the project.

I have attached a 20 minute mock up screenshot of very roughly what I have
in mind. Certainly the actual build out will be better just wanted a high
level visual for everyone to see.

Jeremy Dyer

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