Thanks Matt for the quick reply. We are using nifi 1.0 release as of now.
It's a postgres DB on both sides (on prem and on cloud)
and yes incremental load is what i am looking for.....
so with that, you recommend # 2 option?

On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 11:00 AM, Matt Burgess <> wrote:

> Anil,
> Is this a "one-time" migration, meaning you would take the on-prem
> tables and put them on the cloud DB just once? Or would this be an
> incremental operation, where you do the initial move and then take any
> "new" rows from the source and apply them to the target?  For the
> latter, there are a couple of options:
> 1) Rebuild the cloud DB periodically. You can use ExecuteSQL ->
> [processors] -> PutSQL after perhaps deleting your target
> DB/tables/etc.  This could be time-consuming and expensive. The
> processors in-between probably include ConvertAvroToJSON and
> ConvertJSONToSQL.
> 2) Use QueryDatabaseTable or (GenerateTableFetch -> ExecuteSQL) to get
> the source data. For this your table would need a column whose values
> always increase, that column would comprise the value of the "Maximum
> Value Column" property in the aforementioned processors' configuration
> dialogs. You would need one QueryDatabaseTable or GenerateTableFetch
> for each table in your DB.
> In addition to these current solutions, as of the upcoming NiFi 1.2.0
> release, you have the following options:
> 3) If the source database is MySQL, you can use the CaptureChangeMySQL
> processor to get binary log events flowing through various processors
> into PutDatabaseRecord to place them at the source. This pattern is
> true Change Data Capture (CDC) versus the other two options above.
> 4) Option #2 will be improved such that GenerateTableFetch will accept
> incoming flow files, so you can use ListDatabaseTables ->
> GenerateTableFetch -> ExecuteSQL to handle multiple tables with one
> flow.
> If this is a one-time migration, a data flow tool might not be the
> best choice, you could consider something like Flyway [1] instead.
> Regards,
> Matt
> [1]
> On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 10:41 AM, Anil Rai <> wrote:
> > I have a simple use case.
> >
> > DB (On Premise) and DB (On Cloud).
> >
> > I want to use nifi to extract data from on prem DB (huge volumes) and
> > insert into the same table structure that is hosted on cloud.
> >
> > I could use ExecuteSQL on both sides of the fence (to extract from on
> prem
> > and insert onto cloud). What processors are needed in between (if at
> all)?
> > As i am not doing any transformations at is just extract and
> load
> > use case

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