Thanks for doing this, Bryan.

As part of the PR for NIFI-1833 (Azure Storage Blob processors), I've moved
AbstractListProcessor (and some supporting classes) into
nifi-commons/nifi-processor-utils, and had to rebase for this change.  It
was a pretty simple process.  If anyone else needs help if/when they are
affected by this, I'd be happy to lend a hand.  The rebase pretty much did
all the heavy lifting, I just had to manually move the files to the new
location for nifi-processor-utils before doing the "git clean -df".

- Jeff

On Mon, May 1, 2017 at 5:25 PM Bryan Bende <> wrote:

> All,
> As part of NIFI-3724 which was merged to master earlier today, I made
> some slight refactoring to the organization of some utility code and
> wanted to mention it in case anyone is wondering where things moved...
> Previously under nifi-commons we had nifi-processor-utils and
> nifi-hadoop-utils which had become places to put abstract processors
> and processor related code. This type of utility code is a bit
> different from the rest of nifi-commons which is completely
> independent of anything under nifi-nar-bundles.
> So I created nifi-extension-utils under nifi-nar-bundles to contain
> code like abstract processors and things that need to reference
> controller service APIs. The structure currently looks like the
> following:
> nifi-nar-bundles
>     - nifi-extension-utils
>           - nifi-processor-utils
>           - nifi-hadoop-utils
>           - nifi-record-utils
>                 - nifi-standard-record-utils
>                 - nifi-avro-record-utils
>                 - nifi-hadoop-record-utils
> Going forward the goal would be for nifi-commons to be independent of
> anything in nifi-nar-bundles.
> After rebasing you may have the residual projects still under
> nifi-commons and will want to clean up appropriately. "git clean -dn"
> will dry run the clean and then "git clean -df" will delete it.
> Thanks,
> Bryan

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