Hi All,

At the bottom you can find my question. Note, I am positive this is more a
network issue, but I cannot seem to figure out the solution. I tried posting
this to the  Neo4j Google+ board
<https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/neo4j>  , and as a relevant 
NiFi-Neo4j Github issue <https://github.com/jonathantelfer/nifi-neo4j>   (I
know this is not an official NiFi-supported processor, so you can handle
this thread how you wish); however, no luck. First, here is the structure of
my architecture:

Windows 8 host machine with Windows Hyper-V Manager. Hyper-V Manager has 6
RHEL nodes running a Hadoop cluster--Hortonworks. I have NiFi (no SSL enabled) on HDF (Hortonworks Data Flow). On the
Windows host machine, I have Neo4j Enterprise (trial) edition 3.1.3.

Windows/Neo4j configuration:
- I found that my windows IP address i (windows.ip.address)
- I started Neo4j EE and confirmed that the browser client works.
- I went into the neo4j.conf file and enabled the property
"dbms.bolt.connector.listen_address=, which allows Neo4j to
listen on all networks
- I also went into the Neo4j browser, went down to the settings tab, and
configured the database URI to be bolt://(windows.ip.address):7687 (default
is bolt://localhost:7687)
- Additionally I did a netstat -a to see that the TCP connection is active
and I have a service listening to and [::]:7687

Linux/NiFi configuration:
- According to the NiFi-Neo4j Github I linked above, I created a
Neo4jBoltSessionPool Controller Service and specified the Bolt DB Connection
URL to be a variety of things (, localhost:7687,
(windows.ip.address):7687, (foreign.ip.address):7687, etc)
- Created a PutCypher processor and put in a simple LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS
FROM ${file_path} cypher query

When I pass in a FlowFile (I have confirmed that the file path is saved as
the file_path FlowFile attribute) and run the PutCypher processor, I get an
error saying that the neo4j driver was "unable to connect to
(ip.address):7687, ensure the database is running and that there is a
working network connection to it"

Is my configuration wrong or could it be that the Windows firewall is
preventing communication to the bolt address:port?

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