The processors were written by different developers, at different times,
with different use cases in mind.  The end result is different approaches
to creating storage service client objects and managing credentials.
Although the current S3 processors are not designed with per-flowfile
expressions in mind, it would be possible to modify them to follow a
pattern more like the Azure Blob processors.



On Mon, Jul 17, 2017 at 2:38 AM, Venkateswara Rachapudi <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I saw that  Access Key and Secret key does not support expression language
> configure-nifi-puts3object-processor-to-use-flow-attributes-for-s3-creden
> My question is why AmazonS3 Processor doesn’t support expression language
> where as I have configured the Access key and Secret Key using Expression
> Language for Azure Blob in NIFI.

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