Hey folks,

With the release of NiFi 1.5 we have a current gap in the typical flow
performed in taking a template with an RPG to connect from a MiNiFi
instance to NiFi as discovered in MINIFI-421[1].

NiFi adjusted the relationship of input port identifiers in remote
processing groups which required some additional handling for newly encoded
template versions.  I have a PR [2] that both provides this logic and
upgrades the core libraries in MiNiFi Java to allow the config toolkit to
provide the original workflow.

I am proposing that we do a release of each of the MiNiFi implementations,
starting with Java to generate an updated toolkit and then following with
C++, which has updates to its config handling that will allow it to also
make use of the same toolkit and version 3 of the schema.

Once the PR has been reviewed/merged I would like to begin the release
process for MiNiFi Java and at the conclusion of its successful release,
begin the C++ release process.

[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MINIFI-421
[2] https://github.com/apache/nifi-minifi/pull/109

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