Team - I'm sitting up a small development environment. I have an existing
NiFi instance that is pointed to a NiFi-Registry instance and its running
several versioned flows. I wanted to join this instance with a cluster of 2
other nifi nodes. The 2 new nodes are fresh instances all running Nifi
1.7.0. However since the existing instance is already running flows it
fails to join the new cluster because obviously the new nodes do not have
anything running yet. What I really want is to be able to bootstrap those 2
new nodes with the same flows running on the existing instance but I can't
seem to get that to work (boot fails and complains about the flows not
being the same) however since I'm using the NiFi-Registry I'm not sure the
best path forward?

I realize that I could just wipe everything and start over but I wanted to
try and solve the problem and maybe improve the documentation along the way
to help others that might be having the same issue. Long story short what
is the best way to get out of the pickle I'm in?

Jeremy Dyer

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