Hello all,

We have NiFi Registry 0.2.0 spun up with an nginx proxy and SSL termination 
such that our services is being served over https without using NiFi’s builtin 
security configurations.

We are able to add the registry service to NiFi using our HTTPS endpoint and 
everything works perfectly.  However, we see errors when we restart NiFi:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to create Flow Registry for URI 
https://nifi-registry.test.streams.nikecloud.com/ because this NiFi is not 
configured with a Keystore/Truststore, so it is not capable of communicating 
with a secure Registry. Please populate NiFi's Keystore/Truststore properties 
or connect to a NiFi Registry over http instead of https.

Is there a work around that will allow us to use this nginx proxy architecture 
with NiFi Registry? HTTPS is historically an important requirement for us but 
we do not need, or desire, the complexity of a NiFi’s builtin security.


Adam Martini

Senior Software Engineer
Nike Digital

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