Hi Raymond,

Thanks for sharing.

Currently we don't really have a great way to keep track of custom
NARs that live outside of the main distribution. However, the
community is working on adding extension bundles to NiFi Registry, and
eventually there would likely be a publicly available NiFi Registry
where community members could upload their extensions, and other users
could find them from their NiFi instance. This vision is still a
little while away, but I think we can get to a place where it works
similar to other plugin systems like you mentioned.



On Fri, Dec 14, 2018 at 10:49 AM ski n <raymondmees...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I made a DocConverter to convert between different data formats
> (XML,JSON,CSV,YAML). For those interested there is also a NiFi Processor:
> https://github.com/assimbly/convertdataformat
> https://github.com/assimbly/docconverter
> I also wondered if there is a repository or list where to place
> cummunity/custom NiFi processors. Where you provide things like:
>         - Documentation
>         - Link to code
>         - Nar file
> I only now about https://github.com/jfrazee/awesome-nifi where a lot of
> custom processor are placed. But that is not actively maintained.
> Would it be an idea to add a community repository where one could download
> custom processors (or more exotic processor not part of default
> distribution/core)
> directly for the NiFI GUI (similar to for example Jenkins plugins)?
> Raymond

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