I'm working on a ticket that tweaks the way the Minimum File Age property works 
in GetFile and ListFile (NIFI-5897). Right now users see "0 sec" and assumes 
that means the minimum age check does not happen, when in fact it does; and in 
some timezone scenarios you have future dated files, and this check delays 
files by hours and hours...

I'm trying to provide backwards compatibility with my fix by maintaining a 
default value of "0 sec", in case some users actually are ignoring future dated 
files, but making the property not required. But, if you clear the property, 
the default value takes over. And if you put in an "Empty String", well, then 
it just fails validation.

Thoughts on the path forward? I could just remove the default value, and users 
who already have the processor instantiated in their Flow when they upgrade 
will still be fine, as the old default value will be loaded.


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