
In my opinion, there is another question here to be answered: what version of 
NiFi NARs do we expect to work in MiNiFi?

I see two different approaches here:
-#1) MiNiFi is compatible with a given NiFi version, like 1.9.0, NARs in that 
release work properly in MiNiFi.
In this case the tests belong to MiNiFi and NiFi there becomes a dependency -> 
the tests are required to pass when upgrading the dependency.
-#2) MiNiFi is compatible with master. This means that whatever we introduce in 
NiFi shouldn't break, so the tests more belong to NiFi.

According to my experience preventing the merge of a breaking change is easier 
than fixing later, which would make me vote for #2, however this approach has a 
side effect, too: introducing a breaking change (that MiNiFi needs to adapt) 
becomes a huge pain, it's much easier in #1. 


On 27/02/2019, 17:44, "Marc Parisi" <phroc...@apache.org> wrote:

    Hi ,
       I've submitted a PR to Apache NiFi MiNiFi C++ that enables the project
    to access and run NiFi processors. This requires that certain jars be
    included to bootstrap that process long with a set of NARs from which we
    will access the desired components. Effectively this means that a user can
    run the current set of C++ processors alongside Java processors.
       To facilitate this feature's use, I submitted a PR [1] to NiFi with that
    assembles the appropriate JARs and a basic set of useful/necessary NARs.
    I'd like opinions on where this should live. The options have been to place
    it within Apache NiFi MiNIFi C++ ( specifically within the aforementioned
    feature's build directory) as it only relates to that project and, perhaps
    allowing us to more easily address problems...or as per the PR: placing it
    in NiFi proper, hopefully building regression tests that notify us of
    issues before a release.
       I've been wavering on the options and want community opinion. The end
    goal in either case is that if/when a user builds with this functionality
    we can deliver a package that runs out of the box. This can be done with
    either approach.
        The net positive of placing it in NiFi as I see it: sense that it is an
    official feature and perhaps notification before NiFi release or in
    travis.  Side effects include: questioning if this belongs here, hair loss,
    and perhaps a sudden loss of appetite.
        The net positive of isolating this within MiNIFi C++: cleaner end
    solution, it's produced in the same place it's consumed, ability to notify
    of problems in our CI and release process ( this could be viewed as a
    negative too ? ).
    TL;DR:  Where feature Live?
        Any insight/opinions are appreciated. Thanks!
    [1] https://github.com/apache/nifi/pull/3330

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