I mulled over whether it's appropriate to ask within this context. I guess I'll ask. Slap me if I have badly chosen, but where is NiFi respective to "modern" JDK versions? Is that too much detail for the audience of this periodic report?


On 7/10/19 11:15 AM, Joe Witt wrote:

I was running late so submitted the report already.  Here is what I sent to
the board for Apache NiFi July 2019 report.  Great work and great progress

## Description:
  - Apache NiFi is an easy to use, powerful, and reliable system to process
    distribute data.
  - Apache NiFi MiNiFi is an edge data collection agent built to seamlessly
    integrate with and leverage the command and control of NiFi. There are
    Java and C++ implementations.
  - Apache NiFi Registry is a centralized registry for key configuration
    including flow versions, assets, and extensions for Apache NiFi and
  - Apache NiFi Nar Maven Plugin is a release artifact used for supporting
    NiFi classloader isolation model.
  - Apache NiFi Flow Design System is a theme-able set of high quality UI
    components and utilities for use across the various Apache NiFi web
    applications in order to provide a more consistent user experience.

## Issues:
  - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Activity:
  - Released Apache NiFi Registry 0.4.0 which allows storage of extensions
    is a critical step towards us breaking apart the monolithic release of
    resulting in smaller binaries in Apache infra a mirrors and will also
    a better user experience for updating live running NiFi clusters and
    operations in container based environments.
  - The community is working the release preparation and voting process for
    Apache NiFi MiNiFi CPP 0.6.1.
  - Apache NiFi 0.10.0 is progressing nicely with nearly 200 JIRAs already
    included.  This brings powerful features such as sourcing extensions from
    the latest NiFi Registry at runtime, far better model for paramaterized
    version controlled flows, Java 11 compatibility, and much more.

## Health report:
  - Health of the community remains strong with many active release lines,
    feature development, active user and developer base including new
    participants and continued participants.
  - We see considerable commentary on Apache NiFi in the form of meetups,
    conferences, training, and talks including from folks at Google, Cloudera
    and others. A recent tweet from a Ford Motor Company employee says it
    "Love, love, love @apachenifi   Using MiNiFi opens up IOT innovation in
    amazing ways.  Every IOT device manufacturer, including automotive,
    should consider opening up API's to let developers do their thing!
    Bringing value to your product! "

## PMC changes:

  - Currently 30 PMC members.
  - Peter Wicks was added to the PMC on Wed May 29 2019

## Committer base changes:

  - Currently 43 committers.
  - Arpad Boda was added as a committer on Thu May 23 2019

## Releases:

  - Apache NiFi Registry 0.4.0 was released on Mon May 20 2019

## Mailing list activity:

  - Activity on the mailing lists remains high with a mixture of new users,
    contributors, and deeper more experienced users and contributors sparking
    discussion and questions and filing bugs or new features.

  - We do see a significant drop in users list usage while dev and issues
    remains busy and even growing.  Meanwhile we see strong growth in our
    slack channel and it is very user centric.

  - Slack Channel Usage: apachenifi.slack.com
   - 394 users currently in the room.  This has grown weekly.

  - us...@nifi.apache.org:
     - 693 subscribers (up 18 in the last 3 months):
     - 447 emails sent to list (800 in previous quarter)

  - dev@nifi.apache.org:
     - 443 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months):
     - 357 emails sent to list (417 in previous quarter)

  - iss...@nifi.apache.org:
     - 56 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
     - 5371 emails sent to list (4140 in previous quarter)

## JIRA activity:

  - 274 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
  - 188 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months


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