I'm working on a bug fix for HandleHttpRequest and need to check if a processor 
is configured to run only on primary node (and not if a processor has the 
attribute that ONLY allows it to run on primary node).
Here is the scenario for background:

  *   NiFi cluster, but all nodes are on the same physical machine; we do this 
to let developers develop/test in a cluster without needing a lot of 
infrastructure before deploying to the real prod cluster.
  *   To avoid Port conflicts, HandleHttpRequest is setup to run only on 
master. But, if there is a master node change then the Http server is not 
properly shutdown and we get a port conflict when the new master node starts up 
the new instance of the processor.

The problem is I don't think the Primary Only scheduling configuration is 
exposed to the processor. I'd like to do something like the code below:

    public void onPrimaryNodeChange(final PrimaryNodeState newState) {
        // If this processor is running in Primary Only
        // and this is processor is not master, shutdown the http server.
        If(this.isMasterOnlyScheduled) shutdown();

I can do some work to expose this, but I thought I'd ask in case I'm missing it.


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