Hello Aliesha,

Thank you for reaching out!  What specific analytics settings did you
change in nifi.properties? For example by default the
*nifi.analytics.predict.enabled* property is set to false. Enabling that to
be true by itself should turn on predictions (after a restart of nifi).

Also if you are interested in seeing debug for the analytics package you
can add the following entry to the logback.xml file under the conf folder:

*<logger name="org.apache.nifi.controller.status.analytics" level="DEBUG"

Finally I do have a blog which may offer more insights on how this works
It includes more information on the feature and its settings. It also has
an accompanying video.

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions.

Best Regards


On Wed, Feb 10, 2021 at 4:18 PM Aliesha Alli <aliesh...@yahoo.com.invalid>

> Hello NiFi Team,
> I have downloaded both NiFi Linux and Windows on separate systems and
> configured "analytics.predict" properties, created a FlowFile, and changed
> the processors to Debug. 100% of the threshold object is met, but I don't
> see any events for predictions or R-Square score in the nifi-app.log file.
> In Linux specifically as this is my main environment, what do I need to
> enable in order to see the analytic prediction or events associated with
> the analytic framework?
> Thank you,Aliesha


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