When starting NiFi for the first time using the managed-authorizer, NiFi
will put the Initial Admin Identity in certain Access Policies. However, it
only does this for Global Access Policies, and does not add this user to
any Component Access Policies, e.g. 'view/modify the component'.

This has been frustrating, but as I understand it is unavoidable because
the UUID of the root process group has not yet been created (there is no
flow.xml.gz) at the time the policies are generated.

However, I found that if a flow.xml.gz existed without a corresponding
authorizations.xml or users.xml, then the startup process would in fact
create the Component Access Policies and add the admin user to them.

Now, with the introduction of flow.json.gz, the root process group has
both  "identifier" and "instanceIdentifier" properties. The Component
Access Policies created on startup as described above reference the
"identifier" UUID, but the UI indicates the "instanceIdentifier" is the
proper UUID for the root process group. Therefore, the Component Access
Policies are ineffective as they reference an incorrect UUID value.

Is generating the Component Access Policies in this way supported?

If so, then I will submit a ticket for using the proper UUID value when
creating the policies.


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